Hey everyone today we came up with Americas most searched poetess “Rupi Kaur”. Her Instagram post goes viral because they are so related with us. We are here with my favorite quotes. Take a look.

20 Best The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur

The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“a lot of times we are angry at other people for not doing what we should have done for ourselves – responsibility”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“you ask if we can still be friends i explain how a honeybee does not dream kissing the mouth of a flower and then settle for its leaves”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“i could be anything in the world but i wanted to be his”

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The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“i have survived far too much to go quietly let a meteor take me call the thunder for backup my death will be grand the land will crack the sun will eat itself – the day I leave”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“I will no longer compare my path to others -I refuse to do a disservice to my life”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“never feel guilty for starting again”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“If I’m not the love of your life I’ll be the greatest loss instead”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“i am made of water of course i am emotional”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“on the last day of love my heart cracked inside my body”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“what is the greatest lesson a woman should learn that since day one she’s already had everything she needs within herself it’s the world that convinced her she did not”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“this morning I told the flowers what I’d do for you and they blossomed”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“despite knowing they won’t be here for long they still choose to live their brightest lives – sunflowers”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“you left and i wanted you still yet i deserved someone who was willing to stay”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“it isn’t what we left behind that breaks me it’s whatever we could’ve built had we stayed”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“i stand on the sacrifices of a million women before me thinking what can i do to make this mountain taller so the women after me can see farther – legacy”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“You do not just wake up and become the butterfly” -Growth is a process.”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“we have been dying since we got here and forgot to enjoy the view – live fully”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“the right one does not stand in your way they make space for you to step forward”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“you’re everywhere except right here and it hurts”
The Sun and Her Flowers Quotes By Rupi Kaur
“why is it that when the story ends we begin to feel all of it”

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